M Token Cryptoid USB Cryptoid FIPS USB Tokens used for Storing Any kind of Digital Signature Certificate.
Certification and Compliance: FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Certified, Common Criteria EAL 5+ (chip level), Microsoft WHQL, Linux PCSC-Lite/LibCCID, RoHS, Check Point, Entrust Ready, USB, CE, and FCC.
Standards: X.509 v3 Certificate Storage, SSL v3, IPSec, ISO 7816 1-4 8 9 12, CCID.
Cryptographic Algorithms: RSA 512/1024/RSA 2048 bit, ECDSA 192/256 bit, DES/3DES, AES 128/192/256 bit, SHA-1 / SHA-256.
Endurance:Â 500,000 write/erase cycles, Data Retention.
In digital certificate-based PKI applications, private keys play an important role in asymmetric cryptography. Our m Token cryptoid USB tokens ensure private keys generated, stored and used onboard within the security module inside the device, preventing any risk of leaking critical private key information. Our tokens FIPS 140-2 validated and fully certified to ensure this level of protection meets the highest standards.
M Token Cryptoid USB
M-token Secure smart card chips widely adopted in the banking and payment card industry with the highest level of protection. MToken USB Cryptoid devices are equipped with a 32-bit smart card chip and a dedicated Chip Operating System. M Token USB tokens store digital certificates and private keys onboard for increased security.

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